Remote Pediatric Sessions 


Hi there! I'm Robin Ray Green and I  work with patients all over the world to help resolve their child's asthma, allergies, eczema and digestive issues when Western medicine isn't enough.


You may be feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or not sure what your next step is, but ONE thing you do know is that there has to be a better way to help your child!

When you want to get to the root of the problem, but get virtually no guidance from doctors beyond symptom management and medications it can be challenging!

Perhaps you’ve tried different remedies and made some dietary changes but you’re not seeing significant results. You want to know what the right steps are for your child because the one-size-fits-all-solutions aren’t working.

I know how frustrating that is because I work with children who have these same issues. By the time they come and see me they’ve hit a wall and aren't making much progress to resolve their child's illness! 

The good news is that Chinese medicine can help!

I’ve spent the last 15 years creating a system using Chinese and functional medicine in person and remotely to help my patients become symptom free. So they can live a life that is no longer limited by their illness. The results of often life changing for my patients and their families.

Pediatric Rounds with Robin _ Ewa Samples Photography & Videography-158

Here's How How I can Help

Each week I set aside a limited number of FREE spots in my schedule to speak with parents.

We'll get on the phone for about 15 minutes. On that call, we'll briefly discuss your child's health issue and then I'll let you know if I think I can help.

If working together is a good fit, then we'll schedule the initial consultation where we'll craft a treatment plan together that is SIMPLE, CLEAR, and UNIQUE to your child.

After all, we're not about one-size-fits all solutions, we’re about partnering with parents to find the root cause and custom tailor a plan for each child and family.

My system works well and I know that if we work together and you're committed to doing whatever it takes, YOU can resolve your child’s symptoms.

If you have trouble finding a spot

Email Martha, the Office Manager, today. Or Call us at (408) 776-0420.